Sushant Singh Rajput Case, cbi for sushant

    After the tragic event that took place on the day of 14th of June 2020, I and many other people wholeheartedly believed what was fed to us. It was time and time again presented within minutes of the news being published that Sushant has passed away and it was a clear case of suicide and he was suffering from depression. If you ever read about cultural hegemony the immediate reaction by the media and the public precisely focused on that an idea has seeped into the minds of the general public so much so that the ruling class worldview became the accepted cultural norm. In all the noise that was being presented, I and many others were swayed by the narrative that this is a clear case of suicide and was directly linked to the pressures of being an outsider in the Hindi film industry.Some of the arguments presented by Kangana at least helped in creating an environment of discourse on the problems in the structure of the film industry.We saw producers, casting directors, actors directors everyone from the Hindi film industry being questioned by the Mumbai police, and even after 50 days no FIR being lodged. 56 individuals get investigated but still, nothing concrete comes out of it channeling down on any conclusions. Everything changed for me however when Sushant Singh Rajput's father filed a fir from Bihar accusing Rhea Chakraborty and five friends for abetting the suicide the actor cheating and conspiracy. If the family is seeking justice and identifies foul play then there has to be something much more layered and complicated that has already been presented to us in the public.


   Systematic removal of all the Staffs that were associated with Sushant Singh Rajput from the bodyguard to the cook everyone that had spent enough amount of time was mysteriously removed in three months and were replaced by the staffs supposedly appointed by Rhea Chakraborty every staff member never seen signs of depression and claim how thereafter there was an identifiable change in the environment due to Rhea Chakraborty.


Sushant Singh Rajput Case, cbi for sushant
 It was a big statement by the bodyguard of Sushant Singh Rajput that Rhea had in many ways full control of the finances of Sushant Singh Rajput. When the bank's statement of the late actor appeared in public you could notice large sums of money being paid out to Rhea and her sibling from lakhs in hotel stays and several flight tickets. The FIR lodged in Bihar claims that there has been an amount of 17 crores that has been siphoned off from his account.


Sushant Singh Rajput Case, cbi for sushant

The most shocking moment on live television was when Siddharth Pithani was questioned about the medication that was being provided to Sushant Singh Rajput which he claimed was being provided by him. When asked what mental condition Sushant Singh Rajput was experiencing he said that he could not label it as something, though he was experiencing something. He mentioned that he would provide two tablets to Sushant every day but didn't know what medicine he was supplying. For any educated man to not know what medicine and for what condition it is being provided already opens up a huge range of suspicion.


Sushant Singh Rajput Case, cbi for sushant

 I was extremely skeptical of why Sushant supposedly closes friends were not coming in front of the camera to present a personal perspective to the general public that was coming to their conclusions. I thought it was extremely brave of Ankita Lokhande an individual who was in a relationship with Sushant for seven years to come out to the public and provide insight on his personality and how bewildered she was at what she was reading on news channels. Ankita has always presented a sense of dignity and any appearance that I have seen of hers despite their public breakup vouched for the credibility of Sushant as an honorable hard-working professional and vehemently denied him being ever depressed. This further made me wonder what exactly is transpiring what were we fed.


Sushant Singh Rajput Case, cbi for sushant

 What I found extremely suspicious regarding the immediate events of 14 June was the presence of Sandip Singh one of the first people to be at the scene of Sushant Singh Rajput's house on the 14th of June who was provided access to the scene of the mysterious event and who claims in all news channels that he is the closest friend to Sushant. The same best friend that didn't meet Sushant in the last 10 months, the same best friend that Samuel hockey claims in the one year that he spent with Sushant was never mentioned in conversation, the same best friend that Smitha Parikh, a close friend of Sushant states that the family doesn't even know yet was greenlit to sign on the post mortem report. The supposed best friend seen with his arm around the sister constantly being shot in front of camera going from one news channel to the other claiming to the world it is a suicide, Presenting the argument that there was only one ambulance But actually there were two ambulances that were spotted by the media outside mob apartments. the same Sandip Singh who is the best friend from whose statement wasn't even taken regarding the mysterious passing away by the Mumbai police even after more than a month being a close friend and despite being one of the first people at the scene of the crime. Everything seemed highly suspicious.


 The contradictory statements of everyone involved have made this case even more complicated. The point of who saw Sushant hanging and was brought down has three versions. Akshay Bangar, one of the ambulance drivers states he brought down the body himself. Lakshman Bangar, his brother claims that police brought down the body and Siddharth Piyhani Sushant's flat made claims that he brought it down and laid it down on the bed. How are there so many versions of the same event!


Sushant Singh Rajput Case, cbi for sushant

The Bihar police knowing the federal structure of the country should be provided ample support as they were sent to Mumbai to further investigation. But it could be seen that they were barely getting assistance were facing several jurisdiction problems and were barely progressing the matter. Identifying this the Bihar police sent IPS officer Vinay Tiwari, a capable senior officer to spearhead the process and within six hours of his work commencing in Maharashtra, he was stamped on his hand to quarantine for 15 days due to the COVID-19 pandemic, mind you this same action was not taken when the first Bihar force was sent to investigate on the matter in Mumbai. It again led to many questions why is the process constantly experiencing roadblocks specifically since the Bihar police have become active.


Sushant Singh Rajput Case, cbi for sushant

  Ishkaran Singh Bhandari, a lawyer had sent a letter to the Mumbai police with a preemptive caution to seal the flat. Now sadly which has become a tourist spot of the journalist to do a home tour images of the flat present a squeaky clean apartment which makes you believe how is there free reign for the media to enter an apartment regarding a case that is still ongoing and that house is the scene of the crime.


Sushant Singh Rajput Case, cbi for sushant

   A shocking revelation that just happened a few days back was screenshots of a WhatsApp conversation between Sushant Singh Rajput's brother-in-law who is also in the police force with the DCP of Bandra east alarming the officials that Sushant's life is in danger on the 25th of February.  No action or fire was registered regarding this particular matter reasons claiming to be that the complaint was not provided in a written form.


Sushant Singh Rajput Case, cbi for sushant
 Bihar police are still to investigate on the matter specifically to talk Rhea Chakrabarti in the matter. Who still seems to be nowhere to be seen she had left her resident close to seven days ago and made an extremely calculated video to the public stating that she believes in the judiciary and that justice will be served. This is the same individual who I assume just to appease the masses asked for a CBI inquiry regarding the case and tagged Amit shah and now her team wants the case to stick to the Mumbai Police.


Sushant Singh Rajput Case, cbi for sushant

At one point I believed that this was a case that had its effects due to the people involved in Sushant's close circle. The nail in the coffin is making me believe there are bigger problems at stake was when Bihar police wanted to create a correlation with the Disha Salian case, a celebrity manager who knew Sushant, who had presumably committed suicide from the 14th floor of a high rise building on 8th of June just 6 days before Susant passed away. The Mumbai police stated that Disha's case file has been inadvertently deleted.

     Simple-minded folks like me and you at least now can pragmatically see 
that this is not a simple case anymore. You may criticize Arnab Goswami
 and independent YouTubers for TRP but you know very well their constant skepticism and not believing what was fed to them has led to the several revelations that have come out now. Hopefully, CBI is going to handle the case soon.
The case is way more complicated than a simple suicide case.

 I would highly recommend if you want constant updates about the case you can subscribe to Ishkaran Singh Bhandari, a lawyer who has been vocal and working actively on the case you can watch his youtube channel.

You can comment your opinion on this case.