gully boy oscar, gully boy oscar nominations 2019, gully boy
Gully Boy

A Korean movie just made history at the Oscars by winning the academy award for the best picture. And our "Gully Boy" didn't even make into the nomination.why? I don't have a personal problem with Gully Boy. I loved that film, it was a very important and well-made film by one of the best directors. But sending it as an official nomination for Oscars,well I just couldn't digest the fact. I am not saying that just because it's a mainstream film it'll be bad. It is not at all important that we're only supposed to send artsy films to the oscar. If you look at the nomination this year "Joker" was one of the mainstream films of 2019 with the highest no of nomination. Other nominated films were "Once upon a time in Hollywood", "Ford vs Ferrari'' ,'' The Irishman'' etc. These are some of the mainstream movies and the best movies of 2019. But I think "Gully Boy'' was not the best choice for oscar. All you rap fans agree with the fact that ''Gully Boy'' followed a plot which was a lot like Eminem's 8 miles. So why send a not-so-original film to Oscar? it's not like we haven't sent deserving films in the past. in 2018 India sent an Assamese film ''Village Rockstar'' to the Oscars . in 2017, it was ''Newton'' . in 2015, it was''Court''. So what exactly went wrong this year?

Some of you might be thinking that among films like ''Bagghi'' and ''Dabbang 3'' we are expecting too much from india and that ''Gully Boy'' was the only hope. But before you come to that conclusion let me tell about the films that could have been a way better option for Oscars this year.

"Tumbaad''-  what a film story, production design, execution, everything was so good in the film that I think if this went for Oscars we would have had chances at least getting a nomination.

''Super Deluxe''- this Tamil film was one of the best films we made last year. From Vijay Sethupati's remarkable performance to the refreshing storytelling this film had everything to have nominated, I still can't understand why more people are not talking about this extremely well-made film.

"Sonchiriya" -the perfoprmance, the direction, the writing everything was so good in this film. It derives narratives from cast system, gender inequality and patriarchy.

"Kumbalangi Nights''- in this significant film, Madhu Narayanan turns masculinity and patriarchy a much-celebrated topic in Indian cinema into something very trivial and laughable.

''Aamis'' -
it is an Assamese film. Without a doubt, it is one of the best dark cinema ever made.

These films might not be a commercial success but they were surely some of the best films made in 2019. There was a time when ''Mother India'' was nominated for Oscars. This was the year 1957. The next nomination was in 1988 that was for ''Salaam Bombay'' and ''Lagaan''in 2001. It's been 20 years we haven't got a nomination since then. Now there might be lobbying or some internal politics are the play here or it might be plain ignorance that these people don't even consider good cinema. To be very honest some of you might think that ''Parasite '' is not that deserving to win the best picture. But it was deserving enough to stand there with the rest oh the films. And believe it or not, this is something that made it win- A chance. Who knows, if we send the right film we might end up with winning something this big or at least get a deserved recognization.
It's time for sending the right cinema.

Let me know what you think in the comments.